Wow, time really boogies on by. Our little kumquat continues to grow and explore his environment. What did we take pictures of before this little one came along? (I did make a great peach pie, but I felt that pics of Tobias were more blog worthy this time.)

Oh these photos are great! Grandma Candis will love the updates when she gets home!
You both look fabulous and think - you survived the first month! Yay!
I swear this is just the cutest baby ever!
He is just getting more adoable each time I see him!
HI! Grandma Candis DID love the pictures. We just got to the Copper River Princess Wilderness lodge where there is free internet. Tobias is growing and I can't wait to see him again!
Our trip is fabulous, the cruise was wonderful!! Now we are starting the land part. love, mom and dad
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